Slot-machine addiction linked to immersion in the game Date: February 21, 2017 Source: University of British Columbia Summary: Gamblers who feel like they enter into a trance while playing slot.
When playing slot machines is an obsession
If you are struggling with a serious gambling problem and seem to be obsessed with playing slot machines, here are some signs and symptoms that you should be aware of. I have gathered these from the many clients who have shared their struggles with the allure of the slots.

1. You initially loved the excitement of playing slot machines and being at the casino. Now, you play slots to escape worry or emotional pain and it becomes a part of your daily or weekly schedule.
2. Your trips to the casino have progressed over time and seems to be getting more frequent.
3. You gamble more money than planned. You start convincing yourself that you have to recover your losses (chasing your losses), by playing the machine a little longer, because you feel like you are about to win big.
4. You are hiding (lying) about the actual time you sit in front of the slots to family and friends. You are embarrassed to admit to them you might have a problem.
5. You play the machines longer than you intended. You keep telling yourself you will play just a little longer. Quite often that ends up being hours longer.
6. You minimize your losses, and celebrate your winnings by telling those closest to you. You may even share the winnings with those you have deceived. This helps you justify your deceptions of the past.
7. You have obsessive thoughts of getting back to the casino to play a particular machine. You become very crafty or clever with your stories on where you are going.
8. You’ve taken money set aside by you or others for other reasons, and spent it on slot machines.
9. You have a particular game that you play (favorite machine), and are crushed or irritated if you don’t get to play it, because others are on the machine.
10. You find yourself avoiding people who take up a lot of your time. You would rather be left alone and be able to go to play your favorite machine.
Slot machines are the most addictive form of gambling
It’s no wonder slot machine addiction is considered the most addictive form of gambling. For some people, slot machines provide an incredible adrenaline rush. Music can stimulate the senses to an enhanced level of excitement. The fast pace of the displays matched with sight and sounds can cause the body to dance with elation and anticipation. Combine the chance of ‘winning big’ and the total experience provided by the slot machine can become seductive and alluring that matches the level of exhilaration much like that of an anticipated sexual organism.
Help for slot machine addicts
If you have a slot machine addiction, at some point in time, you will replace the anticipated excitement with ‘zoning out’ the world. Shame, regret, fear, despair, and depression set in and you feel trapped and all alone. You conclude there is no hope or help that can get you out of this mess.

The most important thing you can do is get help. The best way to overcome the shame is to walk through it and come out on the other side; moving on with your life. If you don’t face the behavior, things will only get worse. Tell me your experiences? I would love to hear from you.
Coming Soon: I promise to share the actual step-by-step progression of gambling addictions.

I realized I had a potential problem in May 2013 and took a break for a bit, before going back 9 more times since then
Boredom is my biggest issue, as my son went away to college last fall after living solely with me the last two years of his high school
Like a co-worker said, almost all addictions start out as 'just fun,' or 'something to do'
For some, it remains that way; for others, like me, it can turn ugly in a split second
For me, it happened in early May. I had finally received my tax refund and it was also payday, and I was in good spirits as I arrived at the casino. My game of choice is slots, because of the lower wagers than cards and interaction with others is voluntary vs. almost required. But, that Friday I had no plan and felt flush with money. Before I made it to my 'free' room for the night, I was down $400. In the past, I did not return to the casino the next day after staying overnight, but I did that Saturday. As I withdrew $500 from the ATM, I was drawn to the phone number for gambling addictions for the first time. I started betting max on my favorite machines and lost the entire $500 within 3 hours. Naturally, I had a very tough drive home
In the 9 times I went since early May, I am down a total of $1025 more
I have worked hard to fight the urges and have definitely changed my approach by betting less and walking away before losing everything I loaded on my player's card. But, it's not lost on me that I have not hit even one 'medium' jackpot of more than $50 the last 6 trips, yet in the beginning I would hit those almost every other trip, and more times than not they were between $300 and $800. I am truly beginning to wonder if casinos can control the outcomes for individual players when they see one's habits changing? I doubt this is the case, but it does seem awfully weird that I have not hit the equivalent of 12 visits in a row since I am wagering about half as much and pushing the button many more times per visit